Panel 1

Panel 1

Restoring Tropical Forest and Biocultural Diversity in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas

Background and Rationale

Indonesia and several other countries are building new cities that ambitiously aim to be examples of sustainable cities. Various environmental development standards are being attempted, including those related to climate change control, biodiversity protection, achieving targets in the 11th SDGs goal, and the New Urban Agenda. The challenges in sustainable city development involve ensuring the availability of policies, efforts, and adequate space to restore the environment and preserve the remaining ecosystems in urban and surrounding areas. Additionally, not all new city developments exist in a social vacuum. There are communities and cultures in various forms that should also be integral parts of urban environmental development.

Indonesia is currently building its new capital on Kalimantan Island. The capital, named Nusantara, is being constructed to become a sustainable forest city. The development of Nusantara takes place on the landscape of former tropical forests that have undergone conversion for decades. This poses a significant challenge as city construction must proceed simultaneously with ecosystem restoration efforts.

Discussing recent research results, policy experiences, and practices will be beneficial for governments engaged in new city development. Indonesia which is constructing its new Capital requires various perspectives based on research findings and proven experiences in developing its forest city. This conference is expected to gather thoughts that support these objectives.


    1. To discuss current issues in research and technology on forest management, biodiversity, and human ecology in tropical ecosystem
    2. To discuss policy making and implementation of environmental management in the development of sustainable cities 
    3. To strengthen networks of grassroots initiatives, policymakers, academia, and practitioners on forest city


Nusantara National Capital Authority
Board of Direction : Deputy of Environment and Natural Resources
Secretary : 1. Anggi Dewinta Chairani
    2. Wahyu Ria T.
LO : 1. Harkafka Nagendra
    2. Marzian Benazir Sasmito
    3. M. Rizky Pradana
    4. Rachelya Olivya Kartika
Tropical Rain Forest Miniatur Section : 1. Devi Candra Lestari
    2. Asep Sahrul Agustina
Mentawir Nursery Section : 1. Giot Marito
    2. Hadi Winata
Bukit Bangkirai Section: : 1. Marzian Benazir Sasmito
    2. M. Febriannur Adi Jaya
Notulist: : 1. Anggit Cahyani
    2. Giot Marito
    3. Wahyu Ria T.
    4. Hadi Winata
Runner: : 1. Amru Priantama
    2. Asep Sahrul Agustina
    3. Devi Candra Lestari
Steering committee
Board of Direction : Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Abdunnur, M. Si., IPU., ASEAN Eng.
Prof. Dr. Lambang Subagiyo, M.Si
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Ir. Sukartiningsih, M.Sc, Ph.D., IPU
Vice Rector for General, Human Resources, and Finance
Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Bahzar, M.Si
Vice Rector for Students and Alumni Affairs
Dr. Ir. Nataniel Dengen, S.Si., M.Si
Vice Rector of Planning, Collaboration, and Public Relationship
Prof. Dr. Rudianto Amirta, S.Hut., M.P.
Dean Faculty of Forestry Mulawarman University
Prof. Dr. R.R. Harlinda Kuspradini, S.Hut., M.P.
Vice Dean Faculty of Forestry Mulawarman University
for Academic Affairs
Dr.rer.nat. Harmonis, S.Hut., M.Sc.
Vice Dean Faculty of Forestry Mulawarman University for General and Finance
Dr. Erwin, S.Hut., M.P.
Vice Dean Faculty of Forestry Mulawarman University for Students and Alumni Affairs
Organizing Committee
Chairman : Rachmat Budiwijaya Suba, Ph.D.
General Secretary : Prof. Dr. Esti Handayani
Conference Program Abstract Affairs
Vice Chairman : Ritbey Ruga, Ph.D
Secretary 1 : Rita Hairani, Ph.D
Team : 1.  Paijan, S.Kom., M.Si (Kabag HTL)
    2.  Fellix Alwy (FPIK)
3.  Marina Arva Izzatiyati (FPIK)
4.  Andi Radry Hamria (FPIK)
5.  Sri Wildayani (FPIK)
6.  Rezky Aprilia Wulandari (FPIK)
7.  Ebby Abadi (FPIK)
8.  Tihani Nur Amalina (Fahutan)
9.  Nur Fadillah (Fahutan)
10. Ari Tri Kusumaning Octaria Ardy (Fahutan)
11. Maulidia Shufwatul Mala (Fahutan)
12. Al Islam Rahmatullah (Fahutan)
13. Rita Rusman (Fahutan)
14. Jonathan (FMIPA)
15. Farhany (FMIPA)
16. M. Rizky Wardani (FMIPA)
17. Imam Rohadi (FMIPA)
Fieldtrip Affairs
Vice Chairman : Retno Wulandari, Ph.D
Secretary 2 : M. Taufiq Haqiqi, M.Sc.
Team : 1.  M. Rosyid Ridho, M.Sc.
    2.  M. Khusunul Khairu (Fahutan)
3.  Nunuk Mulyani (FT)
4.  Juliyanti (FT)
5.  Jasman Jawea (FT)
6.  Anisa Safitri (FT)
7.  M. Vikar Danijubal (FT)
8.  Jovita Sinaga (FT)
9.  Muhammad Afif Sekedang (Fahutan)
10. Heru Kusdianto, M.Si
Scientific and Publication Affairs
Vice Chairman : Agmi Sinta Putri, M.Hut.
Secretary 3 : Ashlikhatul Mahmudah, S.Hut.
Team : 1.  Widia Sri Utami, M.Sc
    2.  Mardiatul Ufa, S.Hut.
3.  Erlina Yustika, S.Hut.
4.  M. Akmal Rizqullah, S.Hut.